On Saturday, February 1, SGEU president Tracey Sauer sported a red sequined jacket and took to the stage in the 7th annual Hope’s Home Swinging for the Stars fundraiser…
On Saturday, February 1, SGEU president Tracey Sauer sported a red sequined jacket and took to the stage in the 7th annual Hope’s Home Swinging for the Stars fundraiser…
A Word from your President and your Union SGEU is proud of the work that we have done on our path to truth and reconciliation. But there is still a significant amount of work left to do. We must continue to educate ourselves and others in…
In the spirit of truth and reconciliation, we honour and acknowledge the children who never returned home and the Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. I encourage you to take this day…
The Saskatchewan Government and General Employees’ Union (SGEU) is launching a new awareness campaign on Monday, September 25 to raise awareness around the value of Saskatchewan’s public services and the work their members do. SGEU…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 19, 2023 SASKATOON, Sask.—SGEU members, elected officials and staff gathered with community members and dignitaries today for the grand opening of SGEU’s new Saskatoon office, located at 802 Queen…
Federal public service workers. Education workers. Port workers. Liquor store employees. Actors. Across North America, we’re seeing workers take action to win better working conditions and wages in the wake of…
Earlier this month, SGEU President Tracey Sauer sent a letter of solidarity and support to the Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (MGEU) President Kyle Ross regarding MGEU's strike action against Manitoba Liquor &…
As wildfires rage across the country, affecting communities in B.C. and the Northwest Territories, SGEU members continue to work on the frontlines. Members of the Public Service Government Employment (PS/GE) bargaining unit employed by the…
Speak up Saskatchewan is a campaign brought to you by the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour. Regular people keep Saskatchewan moving forward and help our communities thrive. But, for too long now, Saskatchewan families like yours…
SGEU’s provincial council has been working hard to build a strategic plan—a road map that builds on our past and positions us for future success. This plan was approved at convention and we have started to work with standing…
In the spirit of connection to the land, SGEU has renamed the boardrooms in each of our three offices after trees, lakes and animals. Let’s learn more about the Indigenous connection to the land. Jump to Prince Albert office…
Saskatchewan is the traditional territory of the Cree, Dene, Dakota, Nakota, and Saulteaux peoples and the homeland of the Métis Nation. SGEU is grateful for the opportunity to work and live here. Learn about these peoples with the…
June is National Indigenous History Month and today is National Indigenous Peoples Day. This month and day are a time to recognize the rich history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. It’s…
June is Gender and Sexual Diversity Pride Month in Saskatchewan! This month on our social media channels, we'll be sharing a Pride Glossary featuring different key terms and definitions from the book "The Queens' English: The…
Workplaces and governments urged to provide free menstrual products in all bathrooms Regina, SK – The Saskatchewan Government and General Employees’ Union (SGEU) reaffirmed its commitment to promoting gender equality on Menstrual…
Over the past few weeks, many Saskatchewan residents, including hundreds of SGEU members, have been affected by the more than 20 wildfires raging in our province. For people in northern communities, this has meant a complete disruption to their…