Government moves ahead on corrections food services privatization proposal despite concerns - February 27, 2014 The government is moving ahead on its proposal to privatize corrections and young offender food services despite concerns about…
Government moves ahead on corrections food services privatization proposal despite concerns - February 27, 2014 The government is moving ahead on its proposal to privatize corrections and young offender food services despite concerns about…
Privatizing food services in corrections costly and risky - January 14, 2014 A government decision to call for proposals to contract out services in Saskatchewan correctional facilities will lead to higher costs and reduced safety, according…
Healthcare workers are integral to the overall healthcare team - September 19, 2014 SGEU has long believed premium healthcare is one of Saskatchewan’s founding values and all our province’s healthcare workers must be supported for their…
Private companies violate public contracts Saskatchewan’s provincial and municipal governments are increasingly turning to public-private partnerships, or P3s, to build and maintain important infrastructure. The argument goes that efficiency…
Saskatchewan's unionized workers add millions to local economies Saskatchewan’s local and provincial economies got a substantial boost last year, thanks to the higher wages earned by unionized workers, a recent study has found. In its…
Labour law update - April 11, 2014 Progressive Labour Lawyer, Rick Engel, has represented SGEU since 1987, on a variety of legal matters, ranging from employee grievances to the Long-Term Disability Plan, and most recently, in challenging the…
Together fairness works - April 11, 2014 Barb Byers, former SGEU president and current Executive VP of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), kicked off the second day of convention with an inspiring presentation on the Together Fairness Works…
Dues reduction resolution passed - April 10, 2014 This afternoon, delegates at SGEU's 2014 convention supported the executive's recommendation to decrease member dues. "Dues are used to support collective bargaining and other costs…
Operation Maple - April 10, 2014 In order to fight the attacks from government, we need to keep our union strong and engage as many members as possible. That’s why SGEU is being pro-active - reaching out to grassroots members. We are…
New SGEU life members - April 10, 2014 We regret that the two former SGEU members elected for Life Membership at the opening day of convention this year are no longer with us. Anne Burkholder, of the Community Services Sector; and Tracey…
Labour law changes - March 25, 2014 Protecting your workplace rights SGEU has been working hard since 2007 to protect your basic right to bargain collectively for better wages and working conditions, and our efforts are starting to pay off,…
Diversity recognized - February 20, 2014 On Saturday February 15th, The Regina and District Labour Council (RDLC) held their Diversity Recognized Equity Conference at the SGEU Hall in Regina. The conference was well-attended by members of…
Corporate executive speaks on unions - January 24, 2014
Premier Wall interferes in collective bargaining - February 7, 2014 The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour issued the following statement and news release on February 6, 2014, after Premier Brad Wall appealed to the Federal Government to strip…
WE DOUBLE DARE YOU... To shave, shear or wax your head or body parts for a chance to WIN A BIG PRIZE! All money raised will support the Saskatchewan Children's Hospital. The Shear 'n' Shine event will take place during the 2016…