Budgets Are About Choices Video
Budgets Are About Choices Video
Pride events Queen City Pride Battlefords & Area Humboldt Saskatoon
Picket of the premier's golf tournament Thanks to everyone who joined SGEU to picket the premier's golf tournament. While the Sask Party is busy holding $350-per-person fundraisers like these, Saskatchewan people continue to suffer from the…
Sask budget cuts: kids with Autism pay the price Meet Avery. He was diagnosed with Autism. In the last provincial election, Premier Brad Wall promised new funding to help kids like him, and their families. But in the 2017 budget, Wall broke…
Premier Brad Wall: Turn The Cuts Around The Saskatchewan government is making families and communities pay for mistakes it made. Say no to the ruthless budget cuts and privatization threats at http://StandUpForSask.ca
Leadership Development 30 A leadership development 30 class was held at the SGEU building in Regina November 6-9, 2017.
Workplace action to prevent domestic violence Workplaces have a role to play in helping prevent domestic violence, and the Provincial Association of Transition Houses of Saskatchewan (PATHS) is available to help employers take positive action.…
Get connected to the services you need New 211.sk.ca website helps people get connected with the right community and social service. If you are looking for crisis services, mental health and addiction services, child care services, homeless…
SGEU celebrates International Day of Persons with Disabilities The UN proclaimed December 3 as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities in 1992. The proclamation aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and to mobilize…
Mourn. Remember. And take action. We remember the 14 women slain at Montreal's École Polytechnique on Dec. 6, 1989. The missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls here in Saskatchewan. And the daily toll of violence against women…
Contracting out corrections kitchens to Compass: How's that working out? It’s been just over two years since the publicly-run food services in correctional centres and young offender facilities were handed to Compass Group, a U.K.-based…
What To Bring Please bring your own feast bag, which could contain the following items: plastic cutlery plastic bags (for containers and garbage) a number of small containers with lids serviettes or paper towels feast cloth (tea towel)…
2018 Sasktel Challenge Cup SGEU is part of your community sposoring the 2018 Sasktel Challenge Cup.
YWCA grateful for SGEU's support SGEU is honoured to take part in community events in our province. Earlier this year, our members and the SGEU Women’s Committee volunteered to marshall the women’s march, which was co-sponsored by YWCA…
SGEU members support UFCW workers on strike November 8, 2018 Several members of SGEUs FAIR (Fostering Awareness of Indigenous Rights) committee helped show solidarity yesterday with the striking Co-op workers in Saskatoon by bringing…