STC shuts down: a dark day for Saskatchewan

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For immediate release                                                                                                                                                       May 31, 2017

Today – the last day Saskatchewan Transportation Company buses will roll across our province’s highways – is a dark day for Saskatchewan people, according to SGEU.

“STC has been a lifeline for Saskatchewan people for over 70 years, connecting families and communities across the province, and ensuring that people from rural and northern areas have equal access to services delivered in the province’s cities,” says SGEU President Bob Bymoen.

“Shutting down STC is a short-sighted and callous move that will cut off families, prevent seniors from getting needed medical attention, and make life more difficult for cancer patients. It will further isolate vulnerable people living in the north and other remote areas,” he adds.

“Minister Joe Hargrave should be ashamed of attempting to justify this heartless elimination of a vital service by saying it will save the province $17 million a year, because this year alone, his government is handing out $25.3 million in new corporate tax breaks,” Bymoen says. “Can he honestly say that huge multinational corporations need the money more than Saskatchewan people who rely on STC?”

“How many tragic stories will result from eliminating STC? We are concerned for the safety of people who may now be forced to hitchhike, especially Indigenous women and children, and for seniors and people with disabilities, and low-income people, who grapple with travel in harsh winter weather and dangerous road conditions.”

“Saskatchewan people have a long tradition of working together. We support one another, help out our neighbours, and volunteer to assist those who need a helping hand. STC was a proud part of that tradition, a part of what has made Saskatchewan a great place to call home.  Now the Sask Party government is cutting away at the very heart of what makes Saskatchewan a unique and caring province,” according to Bymoen.

“Strong public services and Crown corporations, like STC, have always been key to Saskatchewan’s growth and prosperity. The Wall government is leading us down a dark path that will make life more difficult for future generations,” says Bymoen.

“The Sask Party government needs to get its priorities straight. It’s time to put Saskatchewan families and communities first – not mega-corporations looking for multi-million-dollar handouts from Saskatchewan taxpayers,” adds Bymoen.

“The elimination of STC is a blow to our province, and an unnecessary and harmful attack on so many Saskatchewan citizens.  We join the many, many people who are outraged by this senseless decision,” Bymoen adds.


For more information contact:

Bob Bymoen
SGEU President

Susan Dusel
SGEU Communications