SGEU pleased to see recognition of Correctional Officers

May 7, 2019

SGEU is pleased to see Correctional Officers around the province being honoured today by the Government of Saskatchewan.

May 7, 2019 has been proclaimed Correctional Officer Appreciation Day by Christine Tell, Minister of Corrections and Policing. As such, SGEU representatives from each correctional facility and regional probation offices will be recognized in the legislature this afternoon. Lunch events for other staff are also taking place at each facility and probation offices around the province.


“Correctional Officers have some of the toughest jobs in public service. And often it can be a thankless job, as their service to the community is mostly far from the public’s view and behind closed doors,” said SGEU President Bob Bymoen.


Correctional Officers are much more than just people who keep offenders behind bars; they are counselors, first responders, referees, supporters and caregivers for some of society’s most dangerous, and often its most disadvantaged.


“The dedication, courage and professionalism exhibited by these front-line workers deserves our full respect. We are very pleased to see these devoted members recognized for the vital role they play in public safety,” added Bymoen.


This is the first year Correctional Officer Appreciation Day has been proclaimed in Saskatchewan. There are approximately 2,200 Correctional Officers, Facility Youth Workers and Probation Officers across Saskatchewan.


“We thank the minister for proclaiming this day, and we look forward to working together to continue to highlight and honour these brave people both now and in the future,” said Bymoen.





For further information, contact:


Colin McGarrigle
Communications Officer