Health restructuring: SGEU calls for stability, more staff, and a commitment to public services

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Health care works best when health care workers are able to do their jobs in a stable environment with enough staff and resources to provide quality care.

That’s the message SGEU is sending the provincial government in response to its plan to restructure health care in the province.  An advisory panel has been asked to recommend a new structure with fewer health regions.  Government’s goal is to “achieve administrative efficiencies” and “consolidate health care services.”

SGEU has made recommendations to the review advisory panel, stressing the vital role health workers play in providing quality care to patients, residents and families.

Health restructuring could affect SGEU members in the Kelsey Trail, Mamawetan-Churchill River, and Keewatin Yatthé Health Regions, the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, and eHealth Saskatchewan.

Key concerns for SGEU include:

Workplace stability

Workplace disruptions add to the stress health workers already experience due to workload pressures.

Staffing levels

A health review should assess current staffing levels, and address shortages, especially in rural and northern areas.

Public health care

Plans to consolidate services could open the door to further privatization. The consolidation of laundry services a few years ago led to a province-wide privatization, with all services handed to Alberta-based K-Bro Linen. Profit-driven health care has no place in our public health care system.

The advisory panel will be making recommendations to government later this fall.

Read more

SGEU Health Provider submission

SGEU Saskatchewan Cancer Agency submission