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The provincial government must ensure that frontline workers and patient care won’t be adversely affected as it consolidates the province’s 12 Regional Health Authorities into one, according to SGEU.

“Workers on the frontlines of health care in Saskatchewan provide quality care for patients, and deserve reassurance from this government that the services they deliver won’t be compromised as a result of restructuring,” says SGEU President Bob Bymoen. “Right now, there is a lot of uncertainty about what this process will mean for both workers and patients.”

Government must maintain existing service levels in order for health providers to continue delivering the vital care that Saskatchewan people rely on.

“With change comes concern,” Bymoen says. “We’re concerned that health restructuring could disrupt the continued delivery of high-quality patient care, or cause unnecessary stress for frontline workers, who are already overworked. We’re concerned that a single, province-wide authority could jeopardize services in remote and sparsely populated areas of the province.”

Bymoen says SGEU will continue to advocate for its members to ensure that the restructuring process doesn’t create stress for health care providers.

“Our members are dedicated professionals, who find pride and satisfaction in delivering quality care to Saskatchewan residents,” says Bymoen. “SGEU is committed to working with the provincial government to ensure that the high quality services currently provided by our members aren’t disrupted during the restructuring of the health care system.

“The bottom line is that Saskatchewan residents must not see their services reduced,” adds Bymoen.

 SGEU represents approximately 2,500 health care workers in the Kelsey Trail, Keewatin Yatthé, and Mamawetan Churchill River health regions, at the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, and at J.T. Ambulance and the Cowessess First Nation.

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For more information contact:

Evie Ruddy
Communications Officer